How can you advertise with CEO Update?
In print for over 20 years, the traditional form of media cannot be denied. CEOs spend more than 15 minutes an issue reading the contents of the publication, including both articles and advertisements.
Print advertising not your thing? CEO Update also gets in front of CEOs through the website, and weekly e-letters, sent to 12,000 recipients.
Direct Marketing
Looking to do direct-to-recipient advertising? Work with our team to send a customized email or mailer through our list of over 10,000 association executives.
Live Sponsorships
Five times a year, CEO Update readers gather to hear intelligent conversation live in unique venues. These are client-only events—the best way to develop meaningful interaction with the individual who will buy your services.
Customized Marketing Program
For years, the CEO Update advertising team has been working with association service providers to help promote their businesses to key decision makers in the marketplace. Let us customize a program to meet your needs, audience and budget.