Caradine-Poinsett brings lifelong love of learning to IREM
- October 18, 2022 |
Lee Michael Katz
Linda Caradine-PoinsettNew on board: CEO tackles property management after many years at health care groupsThe Institute of Real Estate Management's new CEO came on board with more than long-time association experience. Linda Caradine-Poinsett also holds an impressive string of letters after her name.She says, "Please call me Linda" outside of academic settings. But she's also Dr. Caradine-Poinsett, holding a Ph.D., along with MJ (master's in jurisprudence), MBA, and bachelor of science degrees.She was "that kid who loved school," she said. And that's what drew her to the association space: "It's an industry that thrives on continuing education and growth."IREM's focus on… Read More