CEO DATELINE - Library group will start over on CEO search in 2019
CEO DATELINE - Library group will start over on CEO search in 2019
- January 29, 2018 |
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The American Library Association will put off its search for a new executive director until 2019, as the group goes ahead with an all-member vote on the required qualifications for a new leader.
In the meantime, ALA removed the word interim from the title of Mary Ghikas, appointing her executive director through January 2020.
"Mary provides knowledge, experience, and stability to the association during this important period of transition, as she leads critical work in infrastructure, organizational development, and technology for ALA," said ALA Board President Jim Neal in statement Jan. 25.
The debate centers on whether the ALA's executive director must have a Master of Library and Information Studies degree or similar accredited degree. The ALA Council decided late last year to drop this long-standing requirement after a search turned up no viable candidates to replace Kieth Fiels, who stepped down in July after 15 years.
A member-led petition challenging this decision put the issue up for a member-wide vote. Trade publication Library Journal reported that the qualification question remains on the upcoming ballot. Voting will begin March 12 and end April 4.
The search process is expected to begin in spring 2019, with a new executive director being named in October.
Ghikas started at ALA in 1995 and was most recently senior associate executive director of member programs and services. She has a Master of Library Science degree and has the Certified Association Executive designation from ASAE.
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