Become a member of CEO Update
Become a member of CEO Update
- August 5, 2013 |
- CEO Update
Evolved beyond merely subscribers, a community has grown up around a unique collection of benefits
Already an exclusive group of dedicated individuals, CEO Update readers have now become a membership circle with clear advantages, similar to those of the associations they know.
This new model is designed to increase CEO Update member engagement with each other and with the information they demand. New members will immediately share in the benefits and current subscribers will be seamlessly enrolled.
For more than two decades, CEO Update has been a constant for association executives, first as a trusted reference for job listings and more recently as the premier information source on association news and executive careers. Now, CEO Update has outgrown the concept of "subscription"—traditionally a one-way transfer of content. The new CEO Update is a much more comprehensive resource, touching people in different ways and offering a wider circle of benefits.
Long the reliable chronicler of association departures and arrivals and the unique repository of compensation information, the scope of other coverage has widened to other news-to-use—shared best practices, peer interviews, career management advice, connect-the-dots analysis of organizational trends and a tight focus on the professional trajectory of association people.
Now a multi-platform destination, the award-winning, biweekly print issue is accompanied by a retooled website that is updated daily and integrates the Association Intelligence financial and salary database.
This past year, the CEO Update brand has expanded again, introducing networking events that have brought together association executives, recruiters and suppliers, all with a common goal: professional advancement and peer connection.
Also new this year:, introduced just last month for mid-level placements, a service for hiring managers and jobseekers alike.
Members can order the annual salary guide, another way to access unique compensation data, and connect via social media. Some choose to follow @TheCEOUpdate on Twitter or join the LinkedIn group.
In covering the association community, we have created one. In short, we have become more like those we cover, a strong membership organization.
Six membership levels allow choice in the level of engagement. For details, click here.
The concept of membership catches up with the new reality at CEO Update today.
We're all about associations. We speak membership.