CEO DATELINE - New public procurement coalition launched
CEO DATELINE - New public procurement coalition launched
- August 19, 2015 |
- Walt Williams
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Representatives from three of the largest government procurement firms have selected association management company SmithBucklin to run a new group to advocate for the industry.
The National Coalition for Public Procurement was launched in July with the mission of promoting "the highest level of business ethics, best practices, and standards to serve the procurement needs of government, education and non-profit agencies across the country," according to its website.
In addition, the coalition gives the industry the ability to advocate on procurement issues with a united voice, NCPP said.
"NCPP was founded on the belief that uniting customers and potential customers with national and regional purchasing organizations will ensure the most ethical and best business practices," said Marc Selvitelli, NCPP's executive director. Selvitelli most recently was executive director of the Restoration Industry Association.
Founding members of NCPP are the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Company, the National Joint Powers Alliance and the Cooperative Purchasing Network.